Failure At Work (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 1 Sep, 2023  |
  • Views: 5174  |
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1 Failure At Work (15 pics)

I wonder what came first.

2 Failure At Work (15 pics)

Uh, where’s his mustache?

3 Failure At Work (15 pics)

Put up that speed limit sign.

4 Failure At Work (15 pics)

So, can you make a right turn here?

5 Failure At Work (15 pics)

They just made the strawberry part too big, so they had to adjust the amount of the others. But it’s still funny.

6 Failure At Work (15 pics)

Ah yes repairing the ground, uh.

7 Failure At Work (15 pics)

My wife ordered a bottle of spices, and they didn’t have it in the store, so they shipped it, and it came exactly like this.

8 Failure At Work (15 pics)

Landlord said he was installing shower doors.

9 Failure At Work (15 pics)

Aren’t the pickles supposed to be on the inside.

10 Failure At Work (15 pics)

Ground staff pulled the wrong handle and MD-80’s butt fell off.

11 Failure At Work (15 pics)

Not my job to keep the gate working while installing drainage.

12 Failure At Work (15 pics)

This one’s kinda impressive.

13 Failure At Work (15 pics)

I have to look at this every day.

14 Failure At Work (15 pics)

Deadbolt’s ready

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