My Very Gonzo Life

A conversation with Dave Goelz, the man who for nearly 50 years has served as the voice and puppeteer of Gonzo — the pain-loving, dare-deviling, chicken-dating, Charles Dickens-impersonating, furry blue star of the Muppets

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30 Bizarre Things Done By Governments Around the World

30 Bizarre Things Done By Governments Around the World

During the height of the Cold War, the U.S. thought it would be a good idea to nuke the moon in order to show its military might. And hey, the crazy just gets started there. Below are 29 other bizarre government plans that are just as nuts…

Berlin tried to use mimes to deal with drunken tourists in the streets at night. POR ГОРОШЕК ГОР MAP The mimes would go out in groups of four and let people take photos with them while exerting social pressure on tourists to act appropriately. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Russia created a Safe Selfie campaign with a booklet about what not to do. The booklet, distributed in schools, says you shouldn't do things like climbing an electrical pylon or hanging from a rooftop just to get likes. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


NIGERIA IS FIGHTING COVID WITH THE POWER OF (SOCIALLY DISTANCED) DANCE. Ain artsinmedicine - - - The government is having musicians play and dance (six feet apart) for people in isolation tents, to lift their spirits. There are concerts outside coronavirus isolation and treatment centers every week. CRACKED.COM


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